Hildegart Oloarte

Bachelor of Fine Arts, specializing in Photography. She spent five years in Canada,where he studied the production in New Media Arts. Her work has been exhibited in festivals in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Spain, Australia, Germany, Austria, Canada, the U.S. and Slovakia.

Essay on Toronto. Is a self-portrait where I attempt to integrate my image with Toronto's winter landscapes. I believe it is also an attempt to integrate myself into the culture of Toronto, or at least confront the reality that “I am just another immigrant in this city” and that as the self portraits, I find myself naked in front of a harsh landscape that is nonetheless interesting, cold but beautiful. Ultimately, this series is my interpretation of the meaning of a self-imposed exile.

Exhibition at Cervejaria Downtown, Toronto, Canada and at the IV Photo Books Author’s Fair at Espacio Ecléctico. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
