Erik Van Schaaik

Erik van Schaaik, born July 24th, 1968 started making film at age twelve. During his study graphic design at the academy of arts Erik started working for Dutch television, creating a series of animation films, live action drama and documentaries. Erik is multi-talented. That’s why he prefers the title filmmaker as opposed to producer or director. In 2002 Erik produced "Deksels", an award winning series of which he filmed a couple of episodes in Surinam. For "Vent" filmmaker Erik van Schaaik collaborated with friend and composer Martin Fondse. The result is an enchanting blend of image and music, performed by the crème de la crème of the Dutch Jazz scene.

Vent. A man struggling against a storm, When the man suddenly meets a little girl, we discover that somebody is in control of the wind.

Exhibition at Innis Town Hall-University of Toronto, Canada; in the framework of aluCine Festival in co-presentation with MediaWare Festival.